
Here you will find detailed instructions for each step.

25. December 2022 – New update available

PVscout version: 2.1.2251.1 EEG 2023 Roof planning extended to 4 roofs Enable/disable "Snap to grid" in roof drawing optimization print out New modules, inverters, battery systems

25. July 2022 – New update available

PVscout version: 2.1.2230.3 Design optimization for high module currents Database update for inverters, storage and modules Adaptation of the EEG printout for simplified feed-in management Extension of the printout for registering the PV system with the...

12. May 2022 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.2219.2 Mounting system T.Werk - Portfolio update New support area accessible via menu item "Help" =>"Support" All languages updated (English, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Turkish) Inverter sizing: More than one hybrid device possible in...

11. April 2020 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.2015.7 Extension of the single-pole circuit diagram by battery storage systems Expansion of battery storage calculation for hybrid devices Adding new features to the interface for site inspection tool Database update modules and inverter Database...

16. September 2019 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.1937.3 static proof for Schletter pitched roof systems Integration of RCT Power products Updated database inverters, pv storages and modules Adjustments SIA-Norm Update EEG-feed-in-tariff

30. March 2019 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.1913.1 Updated database inverters, pv storages and modules EEG Update Updating the form "Vorgehen zur Anmeldung bei der Bundesnetzagentur" Display of feed-in tariff in status monitor Improvement in the display of storage-diagrams new tool: Storage...

22 March 2018 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.1815.3 Handling improvement incl. renaming of navigation New manual DE/EN compass rose for graphical display of orientation now it ́s possible to edit own PV storages and combine it with any inverter Integration of Kostal inverters with BYD...

15 December 2017 – New update available

PVscout-Version: 2.1.1750.5 Database-update New PV storages by Mercedes-Benz Energy, Powertrust, Hycube, Kreisel Energy, SENEC Integration of Solar-Log data logger on new page «accessories» AC Options: All fuse levels can be completely planned including visualisation...